Hey 👋

I'm Eugene Dzhumak (aka ElForastero) and I'm a Frontend engineer.
Occasionally I build something open source and not only.
What I'm doing now
- Trying to keep working no matter what is going on
- Learning Golang development
- Making Frontend and Web better
- Writing for this blog
Although I'm not very active in social media, I always appreciate new connections and meeting new people.
You can contact me by Email at e***e@elforastero.dev
If you want to send me a secret message, use my GPG public key to encrypt it first, then send it to me by Email.
You can read more on how to use it in one of my blog posts: YubiKey and GPG
gpg --import elforastero.txt
echo "Hello, Eugene" | gpg -e -a -r 0x3716F24E0A8F01B9
Tools I use
- finally switched to VS Code
- PhpStorm for PHP
- with Material UI and GitHub Dark theme
- Goland for leaning Go development
- ITerm2 as a terminal emulator
- Oh My Zsh to make my life easier
- KeePassXC for managing passwords and sensitive data